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Lifestyle - Health - Wellness

8 Tips for a Successful Fitness Blog

I've had a lot of people asking how I got started in health and fitness writing. I think that everyone's story is a little different. For me, it was personal.

Back in 2004, I was 285 pounds. I am a 5'8" female, so that was quite heavy. After being made fun of for my weight for years and seeing the way it was affecting my health at such a young age, I decided it was time that I do something. I devoured every book I could find on fitness, nutrition, psychology, and health. It turns out that changing your habits is more mental than physical and I focused my attention on changing my mindset and habits around food and exercise. Over the course of several years of trial and error, I lost over 130 pounds and have since kept it off. It took me approximately 10 years to get it off doing it on my own and figuring out what worked and didn't, and I wouldn't change that experience for anything.

So, for me, I knew I had to share what I learned with others. It was my story and the knowledge that I had gained through that struggle that I knew could change people's lives. I did it the hard way, without any help, and I was determined to show others the way so that they could achieve their health and fitness goals without having to go through all of the difficulties that I went in my process. This also gave me a passion for health in general, and I've spent a lot of years studying the many aspects of health and wellness, from psychology to nutrition to biochemistry, that I also incorporate in my writing.

You'll have to find whatever it is that makes health and fitness your passion, and harness it for your writing. People want to read things that are educational...true....but, they also want to read from a passionate writer. In order to be a passionate writer, you need to be passionate about what you are writing. That leads to the first point.

Be passionate

If you don't have a personal interest or passion for health and fitness, and are only entering into the field because you see how lucrative the industry has become, then get out. You won't help anyone if you aren't truly passionate about health. You also need to be motivated as well to site down and write. The best thing to write about is what makes you passionate. You'll be spending time researching it and spending time sitting in front of your computer screen hammering it out.

Create great content

It is true what they say. Content is king. But, what does that really mean? Well, to start with, Google loves websites with lots of content, and relevant content. If you want to rank well, you'll need lots of content. Experts say that to even start getting noticed even just a little on the web, you will need at least 25 posts.

You also need content that people will want to read. Your content must be meaningful, helpful, and relevant. If your only goal is to sell a product, people will see right through that. If you provide content that is helpful for people and is what they are looking for, you've set yourself up for loyal followers who will be more likely to buy from you in the future (if you intend to monetize).

Be positive

Let's just be honest. People don't want to read content that is always negative. They also don't want to read negative or rude comments that you may be tempted to write about competitors, politicians, etc. Be sensitive to your audience. They may come from varying backgrounds and beliefs. Provide upbeat content for them that stays focused on the positive. Use powerful words, be encouraging, reply to rude comments with grace, and be dynamic.

Use spell and grammar check

If you want to be a successful (and professional) writer, you need to use spell and grammar check. And proofread! Nothing takes away more from your writing then when someone is reading it and they notice an error. It's incredibly unprofessional.

Keep your content fresh

Google likes new content and so do your readers. If you update your blog often and create new posts, your readers will see that you are active and trying to keep them engaged. If your content is old, then your website visitors will notice and will wonder if you are still in business. Create a writing schedule and stick to it. It could be 5x a week, 3x, 1x. Whatever you decide, stick to it.

Write 50+ blog posts

Earlier I mentioned that you will need 25 or so to start getting noticed. That is the bare minimum. A better rule is to shoot for 50+ as a beginner. That is what most fitness bloggers and Google SEO experts recommend to really start getting out there and getting site visitors.


Most writing coaches recommend starting with a niche writing area, then expanding out after you have built your reputation and have a good writing portfolio. I recommend specializing in one area to start with. Become known for one thing. Master it. Be the expert on it. People will look to you as the expert when they need advice, then you can slowly branch into other areas.

Keep writing

Most writers have to write for a while before they have their big break. But, don't stop writing even if it isn't paying the bills yet or you haven't experienced fame. Master your writing, get experience, get exposure, and don't give up! If you want to be a writer, you have to write, write, and keep writing. You'll get there if you keep at it!

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